Kyloon's 20

It's Kyloon's 20th birthday today! We celebrate with him today in Staletite. Hean, Jocelyn, Jia Ren, Sarah, Min Zhao and Wai Chee join in the celebration as well. Opps~~ Pictures are with Jocelyn again.

After the celebration, we go to the QV Building to have a long chat. Then, we head to Jia Ren's place to have a sit. Wow~~ His place is really "awesome" with a "nice" and "pretty" view! Check it out with him by yourself. *keep secret*

Then, we go to have dinner with Bian again. Bian get two small pieces of cakes for Kyloon too. Owh~~ she is so nice. *smile* I have a good "ci ci" so I am a good "mei mei" as well. Muahaha. We have Chinese food in the restaurant named Red Ant ( 红蚂蚁). The food are quite unique and delicious. Thanks again to Bian and Gordon for the dinner.

After the dinner, Bian and Gordon send us to air-port as we are running out of time. We almost miss the flight. Thank you again to both of them. It's great that I could catch up with you this trip. I treasure every single moment that I spent with you both seriously. Hope to see you really soon. *smile with happiness*

P/S: Happy 20th Birthday to Kyloon again!