My Last Day Working

Finally, it comes to the very last day but only Ying Choon and Yee Lian are going it with my last day because I am still in Chiyoda working. No any other else are there to farewell with me. Sad~~ never mind. We will organise it after that ya. Hehe.

As it is my last day, we sure must eat something special. lastly, we choose to eat in Old Town. -.-" sweat~~ I know that is not special but is there still anything else special in Auto-city or Nagasari? We eat until bored already. So, we decide to have it because we didn't have it for a long time already.

Gee and Yee Lian...

Ying Choon and Gee...

My Koey Teow Ting...

My Last day - See my big smile although there are lots of work still on my table? Hehez~

P/S: Sad + Happy = ??? I know I could not calculate in this way. I will miss all my collegues...